Monday, February 28, 2011

ER.. again..

I went back to the ER last night.

I puked up everything (food/drink) from all day in a matter of 3hrs, it was to the point where I was puking up bile or stomach acid. That's when I had enough and went to the ER.

This time, the ER Dr was awesome, she'd seen me before, and was so awesome. She ordered an "official" u/s, and blood work, as well as a u/a. She gave me 1.5bags of fluids, and more zofran. All my nurses were awesome and male! I thought that was awesome. Sadly, I got "wheeled" to the u/s room in a wheel chair... *sigh* but, the chair was super comfy, and the nurse was really funny--I asked him not to go running down the hallway and let me go... I think he said I was taking his fun out of the day, but I don't remember... I just know that something was said, and both he and Dave laughed, and I started getting wheeled a little faster then before...

During the u/s we got to see Monster move and what have you OH! the heart beat was 174bpm!. She (the U/S tech) measured Monster, and said that I'm measuring 11wks 4days (this was last night..) and my due date is now Sept. 15th. So maybe there's a silver lining for me?!

Dave called his commander last night while at the ER, and Dave has to deploy today, however, they will try to find a replacement for him, but Dave will be gone for about 1.5-2wks. I'm thinking, if he has to go, he should just stay (i'm not longer upset from puking, my "suck it up" brain is working).

When the nurse was getting everything ready, I just cried.. and cried.. and cried some more... I think I've cried more in this 6wk period, then in the past 5yrs of my life (crying at movies don't count).

I'm just done. I hope and pray that when 12wks/13wks rolls around, that there is a silver lining and all is well.

This is kinda random, but not, I don't know.. remember he saying that I'm dealing with some "emotional" baggage? (and if you read my blog, you probably know what it's about..) Well, I'm thinking about going to talk to someone about it. Maybe this (the sickness) is just a cluster.f.u.c.k. of all my emotions plus hormones all getting mixed together.. and since I'm not "happy" I'm making myself sick.. I don't know if that makes any sense what-so-ever...

Oh! I have a picture of Monster, I'll post it later :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you have some amazing friends up there who take such good care of you. Thank you to those ladies!!!! :D
