Monday, February 21, 2011

The All-in-One post.. Since I started this late..

So, I'm knocked up. Yeah!

We found out at 1:30am January 10th that I was, in fact, knocked up. From there, it took me about a week to get a positive test at the DR's office (although I had taken THREE HPT all saying "Pregnant"..grr). From there, I was referred to an OB/GYN. From there, I met my new OB/GYN DR (Love him!) and we went over my medical history and all that fun stuff.

Today, I am "9wks 6days." I also had yet another appointment with DR. Wonderful!

Let's see:

He did the exam (pap) on me, that went well..

He did the breast exam, and that went well..

He went over my "complications" with a double uterus--Please pray I make it to 39 weeks. That's our goal, currently.

He wants me to take "early" birthing classes (as in, instead of taking them at 36wks, take them at 31-32wks)..

He wrote me another prescription for Zofran, so I'm happy with that! (to the newbies following me: I have/had Hyperemesis which means that I puked--a LOT--and it was causing me to have really low blood sugar, causing me to just get sicker and sicker. I had to go to the ER to get some IV fluids...).

My due date has changed, and is now 9/21. However, due to the double uterus and the BIG chance of having an early delivery, I just asked him if we could avoid a 9/11 baby. He chuckled and said "I can completely understand why.." So, I think I have him on board.

Due to me thinking I was 10wks, and the nurse getting my week wrong (she thought/wrote down that I was 9wk 3d) The DR wasn't going to do the heart beat-thing. But, when I said "I thought I was 10wks today?" HE did the math, and was like "Well, you are actually 9wk 6d.. so, I'll give it a shot, if you want." I asked him to please do it, especially since Dave is deploying next week--I wanted him to be there for the first hearing of the heart beat. DR complied, and right off the bat, we were able to hear the heart beat! DR was kinda surprised at how FAST we heard it! It was like he put the thingy on my belly, and BAM! or, well, THUMP THUMP THUMP! It was pretty cool, and I'm SO SO SO happy that DR complied and Dave was able to hear it. DR is so so so cool, I have lucked out with him. Plus, he was in an AMAZING mood, his c-section went great, and he was able to turn a breech baby into head first, so that delivery went great, as well!

I asked him about edjumakaten myself on the different births, and that even though I would prefer a c-section, I want to be open to vaginal as well, and what should I do to better prepare myself. That's when he told me to take the birthing classes, and early, and to be ready to not go full term with the monster. If I make it to 36wks, he'll probably schedule a c-section for me at 39wks. But right now, I am to just take it easy and not over-analyze or over-plan the birth. Just PRAY that I make it to full term (36-39wks).

I'm currently dealing with some emotional baggage, but I won't bore anyone with that.

My next appointment is in a month with the other DR. I have to rotate between the two, because of when I go into labor (assuming I don't have the c-section) They don't know which one will be on-call.

1 comment:

  1. I am just seeing this blog you have created! Where have I been?! Anyway, WOW! I had no idea you had a double uterus- how does that work!? I assume that is why they are planning on you having a c- section... is it possible for you to deliver naturally? Will continue reading... :)
