Tuesday, March 22, 2011

14wk Appointment

Today I had my 14wk appointment.

DR is NOT happy about my weight loss (13lbs), he still has me on the BRAT diet though. I got to hear the heartbeat! AND I got to hear Monster "kick" (granted, I did not feel it..).

He scheduled me for my big 19/20wk u/s, as well as giving me paperwork for the big blood panel (screening for Downs, etc.).

I have a "new" due date... it's back to being Sept. 20th, instead of Sept. 15th. but, since I'll have a c-section at the 39wk, so I guess Sept. 15th works :)

1 comment:

  1. mom's birthday is the 16th, so since you don't like to share, just thought i'd let yo know :) love you hon, you should be feeling him kick in the next few weeks! feels like gas at first... but without the toot after. lol ;)
